Marketing Terms

Phrase Match Keywords


In search advertising, a keyword matching option that lets your ad serve when someone searches for the keyword or one that Google considers to have a similar meaning.


Phrase match keywords are the middle ground between exact match (most restrictive) and broad match (least restrictive). Like exact match, the goal is to maintain the meaning of your keyword. but with phrase match the meaning can be implied or in a more specific form.

What are examples of phrase match keywords?

For the phrase match keyword “tennis shoes”, Google gives the following examples:

  • Adding words to the exact query –> red tennis shoes
  • Changing the word order –> shoes for tennis
  • Using synonyms –> comfortable tennis sneakers

How to create phrase match keywords in Google Ads? What symbol denotes a phrase match?

Phrase match keywords are denoted by quotes, i.e. “keyword” or “keyword phrase”

What are the benefit of phrase match?

Phrase match can let you capture more volume than exact match, but maintain more intent than broad match.

Are there disadvantages of phrase match?

There can be times, such as with brand terms, where phrase match may not preserve your intent. In those cases, you will need exact match.

When should I use phrase match keywords?

Phrase match can be a decent starting point for a lot of keywords, allowing you to adjust keyword precision up (exact match) or down (broad match) depending on the quality of your search queries.